Saturday, January 4, 2014

Waiting on Women

Today I called up two people that I would consider to be my friends for two separate outings and I got stood up.  I am not in the greatest mood right now because of it. I was suppose to meet a friend at the USO for movies but she never showed and stopped answering my text messages.  Then, I was suppose to meet a friend for dinner.  Again she never showed and didn't answer any of my text messages.   There I was sitting for 30-40 minutes waiting there looking "lonely" as usual as military couples and friends passed looking at me like they felt sorry for me. I just finally gave up and walked back to the barracks.

Another thing I would like to talk about today is waiting for women to get ready for outings.   I don't understand the concept of waiting for hours just eat a 30 min meal with girlfriends.  We all know it takes  hours for women to get ready for some reason.  We all agree upon meeting up at 6:00 pm lets say.  Then 6:00 pm comes around, you have made the effort to do your makeup, hair, feet, nails, and etc prior to the agreed upon time and be ready to go.  You reach for your phone to text your girlfriends to see where in the world they are, and no one responds or they respond with "I am still getting ready".  Ten minutes turns into thirty minutes and thirty into two hours.  You sit waiting for your friends to finish getting ready.  When everyone is finally ready to go you wonder why it took these women so long to get ready in the first place.  They look no more prettier than if it took only 30 minutes to get ready.  Now mind you, I am a pretty prissy girl.  I love heels, make up, dressing up and looking good but I am almost ALWAYS ready on time.

This my friends, is my dilemma.  I am always accused of being alone but when I try to hang with friends, it annoys me at how long have to wait just to hang out with them for such a short time.  Half the time, I think "What the hell?  I could have eaten and went shopping already".  Am I right or am I wrong?  Am I the only woman in the world that manages my time wisely so that I can be at a place on time?  It seems like it!

I guess this comes with the territory of befriending women.  I do love women because honestly no one in this world will understand you better than another woman.  There are just certain things you can't do with guys or a boyfriend.  There are many things you just can't talk about with a boyfriend or a guy.  That's why your girlfriends are so valuable.  However, finding great female friends is a job in itself.  You have to deal with backstabbing and other drama.  Sometimes it is worth it and sometimes it is not. However,  I am hoping to find a few great girlfriends to keep around for a lifetime!


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